Saturday, October 30, 2010

How does 'The System' illustrate the features of Science discussed in 'The Truth is Out There' (inductive reasoning, falsification, Occam's Razor, Par

Inductive reasoning: is one’s assumption that if something happens once it will continue to follow the pattern. In “The System” inductive reasoning in shown through Kadisha. Kadisha’s confidence is solely based on what she is experiencing. The horses she places bets on have won four times in a row. As a result she believes in “The System” and Derren Brown because she hasn’t been proven wrong yet.

Falsification: At first the theory of “The System” is portrayed to actually be real, there has been no evidence to “falsify” the theory yet. However towards the end of the documentary Derren Brown exposes the truth behind “The System.” We discover that Kadisha is merely a small element behind “The System” and that she is merely one of 7700 people who have undergone the system. Kadisha is the only person left who hasn’t experienced falsification, but all these others have fallen off the ladder because the predictions were incorrect. Furthermore Derren Brown also shows us that he can flip a coin ten times and ensure it will land on heads. However to obtain this Derren filmed the whole day and had to undergo the process of falsification until he was able to flip a coin ten heads in a row.

Occam’s Razor: defines that the simplest explanations are the best. The simplest explanation behind “The System,” is that “The System” simply does not exist. If there were a real system it would be publicly known, everybody would know about the system and everyone would be rich. Horse races would cease to exist.

Paradigm Shift: The inability to reject one view without replacing it with another. When it comes to a paradigm shift it changes our perception of the idea. In the beginning of the documentary as the viewers we led to believe there truly is a system. Our earlier views misconceptions are confirmed when Derren Brown shows the audience an experiment that relates to “The System.” The experts behind the horse races do not believe in the system but are proven otherwise when Derren Brown shows them.

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